Birthday Donations

Members are invited to celebrate each year of recovery with a donation to AIS.

Member Donations

Contributions can be any amount up to a maximum $1,486 per person 2.5% of the AIS annual budget (2024). Your donation is greatly appreciated to continue giving comfort, help & hope to friends & families of alcoholics. Portland Al-Anon Information Service is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your contribution is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law & a tax deductible receipt will be provided after the end of the year.

Memorial Contributions

Any Al‑Anon or Alateen member may make contributions to the Portland Al-Anon Information Service in memory of anyone who is deceased. (Contact the AIS for details at The Portland Al-Anon Information Service accepts contributions in memory of deceased Al‑Anon/Alateen members from “family” who are not Al‑Anon/Alateen members. The fellowship recognizes that accepting such contributions can give comfort to families as described in Tradition Five. The World Service Conference and Al-Anon Information Service define “family” as anyone who has a close relationship of loving care and concern for another. The individual donor defines their relationship to the deceased Al‑Anon member. This one‑time gift of gratitude is limited to an amount no greater than $1000. Memorial contributions by non‑members are not solicited.

Approved – AIS Service Committee Meeting 3/16/2023