
The Service Manual

Here’s a link to the online version of the Al-Anon/Alateen’s 2022-2025 Service Manual. It’s also available in PDF format.

How am I a link of service?

Many links of service together make a strong chain—not a chain of command, not a chain that tethers, but a chain that connects each of us.

The links of service start with me, as a member, contributing to my group. I show up, I help set up, I share, and I serve.

Our group elects an Information Services Representative (ISR), who is part of our Al-Anon Information Service(AIS), exchanging information among groups in Clackamas, Columbia, Hood River, Multnomah, Sherman, Wasco & Washington Counties.

Our group elects a Group Representative (GR), who is part of my District, exchanging information with my District and my Group.

My District participates with the Oregon Area, sharing information between the Oregon Area and my District.

The Oregon Area helps my voice be heard in the worldwide fellowship of Al‑Anon Family Groups at the annual World Service Conference where Al-Anon Family Groups continue to pioneer Al‑Anon’s and Alateen’s future in the light of the Legacies.

My hope for the future broadens as I see the many links of service at work—maintaining websites and group records and sharing ideas and information. We are all links of service, carrying the message of help and hope to families and friends of alcoholics everywhere. How am I a link of service today?

Adapted from How am I a Link of Service on the blog